GJC - Gems and Jewellery Company
GJC stands for Gems and Jewellery Company
Here you will find, what does GJC stand for in Mining under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gems and Jewellery Company? Gems and Jewellery Company can be abbreviated as GJC What does GJC stand for? GJC stands for Gems and Jewellery Company. What does Gems and Jewellery Company mean?The based company is located in engaged in mining & metals industry.
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Alternative definitions of GJC
- Guyana Junior Chamber
- Groupe Jean Coutu
- Global Jet Concept
- Global Jet Capital
- Gulf Job Careers
- Germantown Jewish Centre
- Grafton Job Corp
View 17 other definitions of GJC on the main acronym page
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- GMC George Moore Chevrolet
- GBBG Green Bay Botanical Garden
- GKP Greene King PLC
- GPI Great Properties International
- GLI Great Lengths International
- GGCPL Gourmet Gelato Company Pvt. Ltd.
- GGI Gazelles Growth Institute
- GGM Good Grit Magazine
- GCCS Global Community Charter School
- GPCUKL GP Care UK Limited
- GDH The Graphic Design House
- GSMI Global Safety Management Inc
- GAI Glendale Academy International
- GGL Geocomputing Group LLC
- GTPL Gigabit Technologies Pvt Limited
- GSCU Granite State Credit Union